Are there jobs in the music industry? What is a guitar technician? Where can I have lesson to learn?
Question by Leopardo: Are there jobs in the music industry? What is a guitar technician? Where can I have lesson to learn?
I like music. I believe I have the skills about guitars. If I can’t compete in playing against the best there are with the guitar but I can learn how to improve how a guitar will sound or its accessories and amplifier etc.? What is really a guitar technician and what more other jobs there are in the music industry?
Well, I have the skill and I can still improve but what I don’t have is the updates about guitars because new music technology is very fast in arriving. But musicians & rockers out there & those who knows about music and its instruments & accessories to improve music can you answers these inquiries of mine?
Best answer:
Answer by heroinmule
all a guitar tech is, is someone who tours with a band and makes sure all the instruments are tuned and strung
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