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Are there any good or decent jobs(music category) in Japan that i can apply to?-?
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Are there any good or decent jobs(music category) in Japan that i can apply to?-?

Question by melodygfj: Are there any good or decent jobs(music category) in Japan that i can apply to?-?
You see, i would love to live and work in Japan BUT i dont speak Japanese very well- i only know the basics. Anything to do with music (play music in clubs)..etc or the entertainment business( assistant,stage sets..etc..)? – this is just help- i’m not ACTUALLY going there yet thats why i’m asking..

english teaching isnt on the list*

I am interested and love the Japanese culture thats why i want to live there ( :


Best answer:

Answer by Jim
Yes, there are decent jobs to be had in almost any field, including music.
If you are a musician, you can apply for an entertainment visa and live here doing that.

But… Come for a visit first. If you haven’t been here yet and you over-idealize the place based upon exported culture, you may be setting yourself up for major disappointment. Make a few trips over before you decide to move.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!