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Anyone know the only artist to have a number one single (US) while not signed to a recording contract?

Question by Beatle fanatic: Anyone know the only artist to have a number one single (US) while not signed to a recording contract?
I heard this recently and thought it was very interesting and wanted to see if anyone in R&P knew who it was.
I will give hints later if nobody gets it correct, but I assume someone must know!
Edit: Deke, Nope, not the one I had in mind.
Edit; Sorry James.
Hint: it’s a female artist.
Wow, did I finally stump R&P?
Edit; Short and to the Point, Congrats, Very Good, You Win!!
It was Lisa Loeb and the song was Stay (I Missed You) released in 1994.
It’s also her 41st Birthday today!
Tesla Girl; So nice to see you here again, It’s been way too long!
Edit: I also agree that Lisa Loeb is very sexy and cute as a button!

Best answer:

Answer by Deke
The first name that came to mind was USA For Africa, for “We Are The World”.

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