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DON’T BOYCOTT SONY! Michael Jackson speaks out against Mottola 2002

Boycotters – please reconsider before boycotting MJ’s album in December. With thorough investigation, one will see that Michael’s “beef” was with Mottola and with Sony ONLY in the sense that they had let Mottola run Sony for 15 years. Once Mottola was forced to step down in 2003, thanks to Michael Jackson, we never heard another unkind word about Sony from Michael. At 1:31 he says “Tommy Mottola, not Sony.” It is true that Sony blackballed Michael for many years when Mottola was in charge. Mottola is gone. Do you really think that Michael’s dear friends Cascio, Teddy Riley, Akon, etc. would have worked on this album against Michael’s wishes? Michael recently landed the most lucrative recording contract of all time. 0 million. He won – please support him and his Victory. He is ALIVE! Thanks for your re-consideration.