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PUPIL 2006 CALIFORNIA ( dreamwave guitar live performance video )

PSYCHEDELIC 12 STRING ACOUSTIC GUITAR WITH MYVOICE AND THE DRUM MACHINE: I’m Hooked up to my DigiTech GNX II for the guitar effects to my TAKAMINE 12 String acoustic guitar with a Dean Markley acoustic resounding hole pickup for this live performance video with my voice hooked up to the send and returns of my ALESIS MIDIVERB III into my BEHRENGER EARORACK MIX 802A mixer for the vocal effects. Also connected to the mixer is my synthesizer and drum machine for added affects for the synthesizer. I’ve also started Music Video Production. I had to crop this video recording because my old camera had a three minute limit for some lame reason. No, I don’t think there was a reason. It was just LAME! & Guy Jamison Wood’s MUSIC BUSINESS DETAILS: Greetings !!! My name is, Guy Jamison Wood. AKA ~ DREXER ~ My self-composed and self-produced album, SHIFT-MINE-ACRIMINA is on sail that including lyrics, my self-produced live videos, and self-produced music videos for my self-produced live videos is located @ ReverbNation’s Digital Distribution. An investment for data storage of my music that is on sail for .99 each and .69 ringtones of 124 songs. All 124 songs are also on sail for my album SHIFT-MINE-ACRIMINA for only .50 on ALL INTERNET WEB MUSIC SAIL WEB URL’s from iTunes – Amazon !!! MOST OF ALL OF MY BEST WORK IS LOCATED @ MY HOME PAGE IS @ ” ALL ” OF MY VIDEOS ARE LOCATED @ All media is protected by a Legal
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