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Q&A: How can i enjoy my job more?

Question by Mynameisgreen.: How can i enjoy my job more?
I’ll give a little background. I’m 18, dropped out of sixth form before last summer to look for full time employment, after two attempts i decided college just wasn’t for me. After constant handing out CV’s and filling in applications. I managed to get a temporary job as a trainee sales administrator at a Toyota dealership. I started in September and i’m contracted till May (covering for someone on maternity leave).

And pretty much ever since the start i haven’t liked the job. I didn’t want to work in an office anyway but after going to the interview and managing to get it, i saw it as valuable experience and took it. Thing is 4 months in and i can’t stand it. The job as a whole is incredibly boring and monotonous. There’s barely anything to to unless its busy, and i’ve been feeling increasingly more depressed, i called my boyfriend today on my lunch break for a nice chat and i ended up breaking down and crying down the phone to him. I really didn’t want that to happen but i couldn’t help it. I’m feeling increasingly more angry and/or upset when i’m at work because i Simply don’t’ want to be there. And i feel very negative when i think about work or if i have to go to work.

A lot of the people who work here are older and more experienced, they’re nice enough but i feel intimidated by them. I think they just think i’m some stupid girl who doesn’t know anything about anything. I’m going to stick it out untill my contract runs out in May, because leaving would be very silly of me, especially when i don’t have another job lined up. I’m going to start looking for another job after my birthday in March to start in May. But it just seems so long away, i had some time off over Christmas and i had never felt happier, but going back to work has just made me feel depressed again.

I’ve tried to think positively about work to make my self enjoy it more, we have a set of ipod speakers in the office and i usually bring my ipod to at least have some music. I’ve tried not watching the clock even covering up the time on my computer with a peice of paper, i’ve tried telling myself that i didn’t like being unemployed, so i should be greatful and thankful that i’ve got a job and i should enjoy it. But i still can’t like work. Is it even possible to make yourself enjoy work? I also found out that the woman i’m covering may not return to work, which would mean because i’m readily available i’d be staying on longer. I do not want that.

I’m counting the days till my contract finishes and i can get out of this place. I wouldn’t mind being in an office some of the time (as most jobs require some office time at some point) but i can’t stand being in a windowless office for 8.5hours, especially when there’s nothing to do its not the kind of place where i can just wander around aimlessly what with customers being around. I’ve asked my boss and anyone else who i can ask for work, but it’s always the same answer, no. Ok i lie, on a couple of occasions there’s been something that they’ve given me, but it’s only small menial tasks which take 2minutes and are of little importance.

I just need some help i’m so sick of feeling emotional at work because of work i came out of the toilet after crying down the phone to my boyfriend and my boss saw me, i don’t know if he could tell i tried to look as normal as possible before coming out but i heard that most bosses don’t tollerate things like that in the work place and that it’s not proffessional. Although i do have a pretty bad cold at the moment so i could just blame my puffy eyes on that…

Has anyone been through this? If there’s anything i’ve learnt from this job is that i definitely do not want to remain in the motor industry after this.

P.S Sorry about the length.

Best answer:

Answer by NYI 4 LIFE
Have a happy positive attitude.

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