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Please judge! Very important music contract.iF u jugde i will add your name 2 my album for someone that helped?

Question by Angel: Please judge! Very important music contract.iF u jugde i will add your name 2 my album for someone that helped?

Im all alone in the middle of the night.
Im looking at the stars above my head,
and i cant stop crying.
I got blood on my wrist,
and makeup down my cheeks.
I just got off the phone,
guess who it was…….
David is his name and i knew i shouldnt have told him that i was in love with him,
He keeps sayin hes like peter pan,
that i am ganna outgrow him.
Apperently he lives in his own little world like Neverland,
where you never grow up.
He said “baby dont start cryin im still here for you.”
But thats not enough………
Im in love with him……..
Love Hurts——–
Oh, Oh
Love Hurts——–
I still call him up and say “i love you”
His reply is “oh, honey i love you too”
According to him we cant be like this,
We need to just be friends.
‘Cause in the long run,
Its gonna hurt.
But i already know that
Love Hurts,
We all know that
Love Hurts.
Hes the one i dream about.
Hes the one who makes me whole.
I wish he had all the peices to his heart,
So he can love me.
Not sayin he doesnt,
just not with all of his heart.
Hes my world.
Ya, Ya,

Best answer:

Answer by matty_roberts1994
That sounds amazing!!
Don’t spose you can send me a copy through email, you’ve made me really wanting to hear it now 😀

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