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Q&A: band has song. guitarist wrote guitar parts. he quit the band, can they still use it?

Question by dmorgan924: band has song. guitarist wrote guitar parts. he quit the band, can they still use it?
im making a music video for a band. however the song that we were going to use. the guitar parts were written by the guitarist who quit about 2 weeks before we planed on filming for that song.

does the band have the right to use the song for the music video still. there were no contracts ever signed by the band and guitarist.

people i have asked said. that they can use it. because the song was written while he was in the band.

Best answer:

Answer by Daniel
i would say unless he copyrited it, but at the same time, he wasnt in the band when the music video was made, so i would assume no…

if anything, i think it would be bad karma to use it if he doesnt want you to. i dont know about legally tho.

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