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Need help: Music for Website, not sure how to go about dealing with the recording company. Documents, etc…?

Question by Shhhhh: Need help: Music for Website, not sure how to go about dealing with the recording company. Documents, etc…?
So I have an e-commerce website and I found the perfect track for it. I emailed the recording company/artist, and they seem willing to work with me. However, I’m not sure what comes next.

I know there are documents involved, but I really have no idea as to what they are and how to go about this. Do we need a contract?

I don’t want exclusive rights to the song or anything, I just want it on my site and I don’t want to have any legal problems with regard to it later on.

Can someone who has had experience with this help me out? Please… I would appreciate it very much.

Best answer:

Answer by Mark D
Hi, this is a long-drawn-out affair ) The best way is to use royalty free music. Check – thousands of music tracks available for instant licensing and download for a cheap.

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