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What are my chances of getting into UPenn?

Question by Connor: What are my chances of getting into UPenn?
I am a senior in a well thought of public high school in California. I am applying to get into Wharton for undergrad business.

The 12 extracurriculars that I am going to put on the common app:
1) Founded/ CEO of a non-profit organization
2) Co-founded/ CEO of a 501(c)3 titled charity
3) One month teaching internship in Africa
4) Captain of mens varsity lacrosse team
5) Chair member of my towns Youth Advisory Board
6) Founded/ President of a school club raising money for UNICEF
7) Founded Charter/ President of United Nations Student Alliance
8) Summer internship with a state senator
9) 2-year internship with a music management company
10) 503 hours volunteering at a local shelter for women and children with abusive parents
11) I also made and run an investment of the week blog
12) sales associate for two yearly seasonal job
GPA: 3.75
My essays are solid, they deal with my trip to Africa, my non-profit organization, and why I would like to go to UPenn.

If anyone can size me up to other applicants that would be great!

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Answer by Kiki K

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