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NUS Cerebration MBA Business Plan Competition

Cerebration is a global business challenge, organized annually by NUS Business School. It is essentially a hybrid of a business plan and business case competition and looks to combine the best elements of both. At the heart of the competition are real life case studies of leading Asian companies that are focused on international expansion. These cases profile the strategic, operational, people and financial aspects of the company and look to give the participating teams a comprehensive understanding of the organization. We require you to choose a case study (Company) along with the target market (country). We then need you to draw upon your knowledge, experience and business acumen in order to develop an actionable business plan that can be used by your case company to enter/expand into this new target market. We encourage you to participate in this business plan event with the same kind of diligence that you would use if you were to actually offer advisory services to this company. The competition places significant premium on local market knowledge that each team would bring along as it is in fact a real life case study and we seek to enforce this through a well-designed evaluation process. The three-stage evaluation process with detailed feedback from the judges is a guided approach to bring out the best in you and align your output to the case sponsor’s expectations. The semi-finals and finals provide an opportunity to the top teams to enjoy an all-expenses paid trip It is a new world in travel agencies. Yours can be immensely successful with the 7 Step Travel Agency Business Plan. Tools, techniques and resources — all in one place, at one low price.