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Q&A: I want to get into music production?

Question by no name: I want to get into music production?
I’m finishing high school this year and next, i want to go to college. I’ve studied piano for 11-12 years and i really love music. i love all types of music and I’d love to work with music. I want to go to a college of arts or an art institute…or something like that where i can put in play my talent and do something in the music industry. it doesn’t have to be piano…..just anything to do with music production. For those people who saw ” Step Up ” the movie, i love the hop hop / orchestra combinations and all the tracks that are played throughout the movie. My dream would be to work in a studio and work with music, artists, record music, produce music, compose. I need help because i don’t know where to start….Thank you very much.

Best answer:

Answer by joeloveslego

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