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Which one of us is in the right?

Question by Ben: Which one of us is in the right?
I’ll try really hard not to be long…

I met my lady when she was a student living in America, but she later had to return to Germany for family reasons. She expressed worries that I would meet another girl and forget about her, so to show my dedication, I moved to Germany with her.

According to German immigration laws, foreigners MUST be married within 90 days in order to remain a permanent resident. We didn’t have enough for a big flashy wedding, so our plan was to legally marry in a courthouse, and save up for a beautiful wedding later over the next couple of years.

The marriage ceremony was highly disappointing, to say the least. The room was drab and bleary with only a simple table, and the official just pronounced us husband and wife without us saying any vows or even telling us to kiss–then handed us papers to sign like it was a business contract.

As we were driving home, her sister kept blaring the horn and howling like an idiot. I repeatedly asked her to stop because the car was not decorated, and nobody knew why she was honking. She seemed to think it was actually funny for people to be flipping us off, and only stopped when the person ahead of us stopped his car and got out with a baseball bat.

The following week was Christmas, and we attended a party with the entire family. During the party, the sister got up and put in a DVD saying “Here’s their wedding!” I immediately asked her to take it out because I wanted to forget the whole thing, but she insisted that she wanted to show it to everyone. After everyone watched our “romantic wedding” of us sitting and signing papers with romantic music playing in the background, she said “Toast! Congratulations!” and everyone started toasting like that was an actual wedding. Then, as if that were not enough, she gave us these cheap $ 10-looking rings with our names and marriage date engraved in them. I was so extremely irritated that she just wouldn’t LEAVE IT ALONE that I left shortly afterwards without saying anything to anyone.

I honestly don’t really even want to call myself married until we have a REAL wedding, and still call my lady my girlfriend. She, however, keeps insisting that I change my myspace status to “married” and to refer to her as my wife, and says that it hurts her feelings when I don’t want to consider myself married.

I don’t want to because I just don’t want to call that horrible day a “wedding”! A wedding is the most important day of a person’s life, and I want mine to be just perfect. That hideous excuse for a wedding–I could have had something better in a cheap Las Vegas chapel wedding.

You know, I don’t even know what I’m asking anymore…can I get a referee here and give me your take please?
kenneltech: Dad dropped dead at the wedding? Congratulations, you just shut me up in regards to having the “worst” wedding!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Angiebee
i have one question. are you the bride or the groom here? because you are acting like a woman. Good God man, grow a pair. You two are legally married, change your status to married and make your wife happy

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!