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Can you get a business degree to be in the music industry? Or do you need a special “music business degree?”

Question by cutiesarah0909: Can you get a business degree to be in the music industry? Or do you need a special “music business degree?”
I want to work for a music label or start my own like Diddy and in want to live in NYC so i can intern but there is probably 2 schools that have “music business degree.” So would a business degree look fine to potential employers at record labels? Help plz!!

Best answer:

Answer by Meggy Jo
Personally i think the music buisness degree is a waste of money, most colleges that offer them are smaller private schools that charge outrageous tuition fees.
However, those schools also have GREAT internship connections. If you live in NYC already, even before you start a degree, get your resume out to music labels and get hired for GRUNT work.

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