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How can I find a reputable voice/singing teacher/coach in…?

Question by alexela: How can I find a reputable voice/singing teacher/coach in…?
the Miami area? Like, one that has some link to the Music Business? Could I just email a record company and ask for a list of teachers they work with? I’m not asking if they have a link for the purpose of getting a contract, no lol. I’m asking because I’ve been told I could do demos for a certain singer because I do impressions of her and others, but I want to reach the full potential of my voice!
So how could I find one? Oh yeah, and also not that expensive…I’m a college student lol. The Music school is a possibility, but they usually teach classical.

Best answer:

Answer by Dave LaBuda
Here you go …

Just set the field of study to Performing Arts and put in your zip code and you’ll have it!

Also, music schools do not teach just classical. Where in the world di you hear that? Why did you believe it without checking it out to learn the truth?

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