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Stratagies for getting myself “out there” in the music business?

Question by Hannah: Stratagies for getting myself “out there” in the music business?
I’m an aspiring singer, and I’m trying to find ways to put myself out there and get noticed. (I’m not looking for negative comments about how I’m never going to make it in the business… I just want some advice.)
Basically, I haven’t promoted myslef in any way yet. I’ve thought about getting a Youtube account where I could post videos of me singing, though… would that be a good idea? If you know any places/people I should contact, please let me know! Thanks so much:)

Best answer:

Answer by Weirdo
put a video of you singing on youtube then send it to usher thats how justin bieber was discovred and im sure your 1000000 time better then him xD and ill sub you if you tell meah your youtube name(when and if you make it) name mine is cheybobstevepants <^_^<)

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