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2010: Year In Review

2010: Year In Review
Happy New Year! With 2010 at an end, the Crawford County Avalanche presents its annual Year In Review. The Year In Review includes article summaries from stories featured in 2010 Crawford County Avalanche editions.
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Digital DIY music platform Bandcamp finds its footing with artists like Amanda Palmer, Sufjan Stevens and RJD2
The website puts musicians in control of digital sales and online merchandising. It isn’t ready to rival iTunes, but it is growing in popularity. The website puts musicians in control of digital sales and online merchandising. It isn’t ready to rival iTunes, but it is growing in popularity.
Read more on Los Angeles Times

Community Calendar
The print deadline for calendar submissions is two weeks before the date of the event to be publicized. Email, or to get it posted online immediately, email Breakfast & Neighborhood Cleanup Jan 8th, 9:30-11:30 a.m. 8018 Fremont Ave N. Celebrate the NEW YEAR by participating in GAIN’s …
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