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Could you give me a list of good music art schools?

Question by NimrodC: Could you give me a list of good music art schools?
So far I would really love to go to Full Sail in Florida but they’re to expensive for me and their are no financial aid with them. I’m interested in going to a school that teaches about the business of music. What are some good schools that I can attend that teaches that and also has financial aid? I seen one in Miami so far but I would like to know of any others so I can weigh out my options? thank you.

Best answer:

You should look for a school where there is both a music conservatory and an academic institution. A couple of schools that meet this requirement would be Rice University and U of Chicago. You should contact each school you are interested in and ask about your options.

Here is a good website with information on careers in the music /entertainment industry from Rice to help you get started.

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