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what pop record labels should I send my demo in to?

Question by Tom: what pop record labels should I send my demo in to?
I am really in to pop music (with a little rock mixed in there) and I made a demo but I need to know what record label(s) to send it in to. Thanks 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by JP
Do not send it to any record labels, they will probably just throw it in the trash. I would recommend finding and sending it to music agencies. There is so much more to the music industry then just making music, there is the entire business end and unless you have a business degree and experience in the industry than you need to get someone to represent you or nobody will listen to you. Also, hire a lawyer to double check everything your agent does. Oh and also you will need a very good accountant because everyone will be trying to take advantage of you and rip you off. Damn, just thinking about the business side of the industry makes my head hurt.

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