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Music Licensing Copyrights?

Question by Big Kraiz: Music Licensing Copyrights?
I want to write a verse to someone else’s song. I want to do it as if I were making a mixtape. What copyright issues do I have to go through? Or can someone tell me an easy way to figure that out?

Best answer:

Answer by ron_mexico
As far as copyright issues are concerned, the most straightforward approach is to request permission from the copyright holder. Obviously, if the copyright holder gives you permission to use his/her work, then you have nothing further to worry about.

You can begin by contacting a music clearinghouse, such as ASCAP or BMI. Links are provided below.

There may be other legal theories you can rely on. However, copyright is such a fact specific issue that it is nearly impossible to provide you much useful guidance on this forum. If you intend this mixtape to be widely distributed, I strongly suggest you contact a copyright attorney who can discuss your specific case.

For a more detailed analysis of the legal issues, you can also read the law review article linked below.

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