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“Spider-Man” continues after injuries

“Spider-Man” continues after injuries
Producers say safety measures will return Broadway musical to stage Wednesday night despite Monday’s 30-foot fall

Cultural Lessons: Why Bruno Mars is the new Michael Jackson
Usher spent 2009 and 2010 (and will likely spend 2011) trying to convince the world he’s the new Michael Jackson, but a few dance moves are nothing when your songs, um, suck. So turn your thoughts instead to Bruno Mars, who, it is submitted, is the new Michael Jackson — with Quincy Jones thrown in at no extra cost
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Doc on Jazz duo Glover and Sifferlen airs Thurs
Jazz fans with a TV should check out Take Two , a half-hour documentary premiering on WFYI Thursday that chronicles saxophonist/clarinetist Frank Glover and pianist Claude Sifferlen’s decades-long personal and professional relationship. An old-guard Indiana jazzman who performed with the Montgomery brothers, Sifferlen, who died this March from inoperable prostate cancer , took the much younger …
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