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Ooh Child by the Five Stairsteps – First T-Shirt Gift Away by

Welcome to the first T-shirt Gift Away by is not a non for profit org., it is a US based business that gives a percentage of its earnings to charity. The concept is simple, for every T-shirt sold, another brand new t-shirt is given to a child in need. We´d like to thank everyone who purchased a T-shirt and made this happen and would also like to thank TOMS Shoe for the inspiration. For the first T-shirt Gift Away we flew down to Bogotá, Colombia and visited the ¨Asociación Hogar Niños Por Un Nuevo Planeta¨ which is a non for profit org. dedicated to housing, feeding and taking care of these children. The kids we met have been through a lot in the short lives; many encounter violent situations every day and most are very poor. We believe that this project is important because the clothes these kids have are usually hand-me-downs. Receiving something new helps build their since of pride which is one of the areas they most struggle with. The use of the song ¨Ohh Child by the Five Stairsteps¨ was granted to courtesy of Buddha Records, a unit of Sony Music Entertainment by arrangement with Sony Music Licensing for use on and Thanks to everyone who made this happen!
Video Rating: 5 / 5