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I have a tax id# for my business. How do I establish a line of credit?

Question by Lakim: I have a tax id# for my business. How do I establish a line of credit?
I set up my music publishing company and I am registered with ASCAP. I am ultimately looking for about $ 20G “start up money” to grow my business into a mulitimillion dollar company. But in the immediate future, I only need about $ 8000 to build my home studio/office. My personal credit is being established because I learned that an insufficient credit history is the same as having bad credit. But I want to use my tax id# as an alternative short term solution until I am in a better position to execute my business plan. If you have any leads, please share. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Super Rach
When you start your business loans are going to be based on your personal credit.

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