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Q&A: I need guitarist opinions for Online Music Stores?

Question by rhamm618: I need guitarist opinions for Online Music Stores?
i am sitting here wondering, so I’ll ask you guitarist out there. Do you honestly think those stores like Musiciansfriend, Sam Ash, & zZound are truly selling guitars that are worth what you are paying or are the sub-standard at Jacked-Up Prices ( in your opinion)?
Would you buy a $ 400.00 USD guitar from one of them or go to a local music store?

Best answer:

Answer by Joe D
It really depends on the store dude. I’d say, go pawn shop. Better deals, better guitars. Though, “guitar center” is awesome and they got some kick @ss stuff in there for good prices. I choose by the guitar, not the store. Pay whatever price if you like the guitar, and research it online before hand if you’re not sure it’s worth the money.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!