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What can I do to prepare for a music business major in college?

Question by : What can I do to prepare for a music business major in college?
I’m considering going to college for Music Business. What kind of experiences would help in advance? Also, what kind of jobs can you get with a Music Business degree?

Best answer:

Answer by Music Consultant
Read Donald Passman’s “All you need to know about the music business”

If you play – play in a band and make a go at local or regional success OR

try to manage a local group even if they are just starting out and try to get them gigs and exposure – try to help them be in all the right places online etc etc…

Music business is all about knowing people and experience…so go give it a try!

There are less and less jobs in music but…with a music business degree you could

work at:

A record label
A music publisher
an instrument manufacturer
A performance royalties organization
A music management company
A booking agency
A music supervisor…

lot of others…

If this was helpful please check the links below.

Best of luck,


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