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Stroger spent K on zoo party for flood victims
Cook County Board President Todd Stroger’s administration treated families whose homes were damaged by floods to a nearly $ 79,000 party at Brookfield Zoo, paying for the day of fun with federal grant money meant to restore those homes, newly-released county documents show. The Sept. 12 zoo event included parking, admission, special attractions and “hungry as a bear” picnic baskets for up to 2 …
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Exit Stage Braaiinnssss : Bringing Night of the Living Dead to Stage—Sans Zombies
One evening eight years ago, Stephen Gregory Smith did something he admits sounds a little silly now: He covered the windows of his Fairlington apartment with blankets.
Read more on Washington City Paper

Rsam Named 2010 Industry Innovator for IT GRC Management
Leading GRC solution praised for powerful framework, dynamic workflow and rapid implementation (PRWeb December 02, 2010) Read the full story at
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