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New way watching Movies and short films?

Question by dominick p: New way watching Movies and short films?
So my dad works for a company that is taking there entire video library online in a few months. its going to be available for streaming and download for free (with advertisement) as well as pay download (commercial free). the part i think is the coolest is that when you vote on the video and or discuss it, you help the company choose wheater or not they will distribute it on DVD and possibly theaters.

Also film makers will be able to submit there films to possibly recieve a distribution deal. which I think is the way every company should be with film.

For there next production they are also go to have users help select cast members based of screening performances as well as host a music writting contest where anyone can submit an original song or score for a chance to with 10,000$ and a contract for the song to appear in a movie..

what are peoples feelings about something like this?? Is this the future of media?? please I want to hear what other people think??

Best answer:

Answer by vlfranklin1999
I think it all sounds great. I hope some good movies will be available.

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