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Question about starting up a music management business/Record label?

Question by cdoc: Question about starting up a music management business/Record label?
I want to get into the music management business after I get out of the military. Not only managing bands but I also want to start up a record label. Does anyone know possibly the cost of getting all the necessary paper work, etc?. I know you must have a business license and all that. Also what would the cost be to start a record label and the usual things like finding manufacturers and distributors etc?
Ive always had a love for music and besides the military Ive always wanted to be in the music industry so I’m doing my research now. I dont want to go into it blind lol :P. Thanks for any and all help!

Best answer:

Answer by Everyday
starting a label is not cheap. you will have to pay for a groups recording, marketing, promotions, distribution, publishing, packaging etc. the paperwork to get yourself going is a very small amount in the grand scheme of it all.

there are some sites that explain the steps to starting a record label. i’d start by google searching them. it’s not as easy as you may think

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