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How long does a band have to wait before being dropped from a label?

Question by monica.sanchez87: How long does a band have to wait before being dropped from a label?
What I mean is if a band doesn’t ouput any music or tour will they be dropped from their label?

And how long until they are dropped?

Can bands remove themselves from a label or does their contracts prevent them from doing this?

If anyone can answer any of my questions I would be very grateful!


Best answer:

Answer by dukefenton
It all depends on what their contract says. In most cases, the band is contracted to produce either a certain amount of work or for a specified period of time. Once the terms are met, the band is usually free to change labels if they want to; although there is occasionally a clause giving the original label first refusal for renewal.

If the artist simply doesn’t produce anything, then the label can usually sue for part or all of the advance, and / or contractual damages. Even this can usually be negotiated or settled; much depends on whether the label thinks the artist still has real earning potential.

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