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Q&A: is it possible for a computer science graduate to become a music producer?

Question by ac_sawyer: is it possible for a computer science graduate to become a music producer?
i just realized that i wanna be around music but i don’t know where to start, i don’t know what the producer’s job is, i don’t know the requirements and skills needed.. in short im clueless. but i do know my music, i know bands and albums and songs and info about them. i just don’t know where to go from here. i know i cant be a producer right away but i wanna start a new career behind the music. can you help me?

Best answer:

Answer by Yuki Nagato
You are just like me except that I still studying. I am currently studying computer science but sometime next year I would be transferring to conservator of music. If your only asking if it is possible, then I think it is possible IF and only IF he/she has a background in music (e.g. playing guitar, singing and other music related stuffs). But if your really want to be a music producer, then why not study music and start reaching your dream. =)

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