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Scott Perry Serves Up the ‘New Music Minute’ — Episode 51

Scott Perry Serves Up the ‘New Music Minute’ — Episode 51
Industry insider Scott Perry, who runs New Music Tipsheet , gives Spinner the scoop on what’s new this week in music. Watch his report, ‘The New Music Minute,’ below and come back every week for more from Perry. Listen to This Week’s New CDs Free
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GENERAL MUSIC INDUSTRY: Michael Jackson Fans Shouldn’t Question New Single ‘Hold My Hand’ (Should They?)
Michael Jackson fans can look at the release of the official first single from his posthumous album as Sony’s attempt to clean up the controversy of that other debatable single that hit the net a week ago, and who could necessarily blame them? After the not-so-great response that the much touted “Breaking News” got when it premiered (fans debated its authenticity, M.J.’s kids and mom denounced …
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OPINION: How Garth Brooks Harms Music Incomes of Others
The Copyright Alliance pointed me to a letter that musician Monisa Angell wrote the Obama Administration. If you want to see the arguments in the music industry painted in black and white. Her note is certainly the black. She raises the question, “Can we afford to have a country where the creator has no value?” Well, no. Creators are valuable, as are their creative works, given the optimum …
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