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Can anyone help me obtain a recording contract for a super talented female country/rock singer? She is 22.?

Question by dennislm927: Can anyone help me obtain a recording contract for a super talented female country/rock singer? She is 22.?
Artist is 22 yrs old with 2 1/2 octive voice, sounds simular to Linda Ronstadt and Trisha Yearwood/ Martina McBride. Recording debut album starting 05-07-06 in Nashville. Several potential hits, honestly. She is destined to be huge! Just need a little help. We need finacial support for recording and/or touring. I have 30 yrs of experiance developing talent and she is the best young talent I have ever heard. We are looking for honest and reliable financial backing. We have a large catolog of very good songs. Demo ready to hear to prove what I am saying. Artist also a great sax and piano player. She is without a doubt an artist that can deliver both young and old. She has won over 30 1st place wins in regional and national contests. Never, never a loss or second place, always a 1st place finisher. A multi- million dollar talent!

Best answer:

Answer by Backstage Guy
You have thirty years of developing talent and no inside contacts? Do her a favor, bro.. if she’s that hot, turn her over to a pro to give her a real chance.

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