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REGION: Music industry cash flows to Bono Mack

REGION: Music industry cash flows to Bono Mack
Washington, D.C. —- Rep. Mary Bono Mack receives as much as $ 1million a year in royalties and interest from her late husbandSonny Bono’s music and television work. At the same time, sheintroduces and supports legislation that could benefit thoseentertainment industries —- and the artists and their familieswho rely on royalties for income.
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REGION: Music industry cash flows to Bono Mack
Washington, D.C. —- Rep. Mary Bono Mack receives as much as $ 1 million a year in royalties and interest from her late husband Sonny Bono’s music and television work. At the same time, she introduces
Read more on The Californian