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Breakdown of the Military (5 of 6) – Matt Howard

If you are a SERVICE MEMBER or VETERAN opposed to the wars, join IVAW today. Former Marine Matt Howard says the Marine Corps “bases itself on dehumanization and subjugation and abuse of its lower enlisted in order for it to function.” He was severely beaten in a hazing incident. Howard took part in the invasion of Iraq. He says the very first tank was destroyed by mistake by a Marine helicopter. Fortunately, no one died that time. But the first casualty of the war was a soldier who stepped on a cluster bomblet dropped by Americans. Howard says American ammunition and armor both contained depleted uranium, which is radioactive. He believes depleted uranium is “the agent orange of this occupation,” and that the military is poisoning its soldiers, the people of Iraq, and the whole world with depleted uranium, because on impact, tiny particles go up into the atmosphere and spread over the entire planet. — Iraq Veterans Against the War | | T: 646 723 0989
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