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What is the steps and cost associated with a copyright on Artwork or an Illustration?

Question by fletcherspub: What is the steps and cost associated with a copyright on Artwork or an Illustration?
I have a idea for controversial political bumper sticker, and I know it will do great on the market. What would be the steps and cost of a copy-write on it? With that being said, I have the idea only right now, not the actual artwork. I am assuming that I am going to want a good contract or agreement with the artist? What would be a good approach at that too?

Best answer:

Answer by ron_mexico
You will likely need a copyright assignment or work for hire agreement with the artist so that you own the copyrights to the work. I suggest hiring an attorney to prepare such documentation to avoid legal hassles later. You can then register the work with the Copyright Office for a nominal fee.

The Copyright Office provides many good circulars regarding obtaining copyright protection. See the link below.

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