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Why do activists claim these are not violent criminals at all 284 arrested in ICE operation?

Question by Maricopa County: Why do activists claim these are not violent criminals at all 284 arrested in ICE operation?
Some of the worst offenders caught this week during Operation Cross Check include the following case examples:

Ruiz Pina, from Mexico, was arrested by ICE agents in Houston on Feb. 24. He has convictions for unlawfully possessing a weapon, assault causing bodily injury, and drunken driving. PINA was ordered deported by a federal immigration judge in Houston, Texas, in 2005. He will be detained without bond at the Houston Contract Detention Facility pending removal from the United States.
Juan Martinez, from El Salvador, was arrested by ICE on Feb. 24. He has been convicted for burglary of habitation-theft. Martinez was ordered deported by an Immigration Judge in Houston, TX in 1997. He will be detained without bond at the Houston Contract Detention Facility pending removal from the United States.

Tomas Alvarez, from El Salvador, was arrested on Feb. 23. He has been convicted of possessing/delivering cocaine. Alvarez was ordered deported by a federal immigration Judge in Harlingen, TX, in 1990. He will be detained without bond at the Houston Contract Detention Facility pending removal from the United States.
Any of the foreign nationals arrested during this operation who have active warrants will be referred to the associated local law enforcement agency and ICE will place detainers to ensure they return to ICE custody following disposition of their criminal cases. Those who have outstanding orders of deportation, or who returned to the United States illegally after being deported, are subject to immediate removal from the country. The remaining individuals are in ICE custody awaiting a hearing before an immigration judge, or pending travel arrangements for removal in the near future.

This week’s special enforcement action was spearheaded by ICE’s Fugitive Operations Program, which is responsible for locating, arresting, and removing at-large criminal aliens and immigration fugitives — aliens who have ignored final orders of deportation handed down by the nation’s immigration courts. ICE’s Fugitive Operations Teams (FOTs) give top priority to cases involving aliens who pose a threat to national security and public safety, including members of transnational street gangs and child sex offenders.

The officers who conducted this week’s special operation received substantial assistance from ICE’s Fugitive Operations Support Center (FOSC) located in South Burlington, Vt. The FOSC conducted exhaustive database checks on the targeted cases to help ensure the viability of the leads and accuracy of the criminal histories. The FOSC was established in 2006 to improve the integrity of the data available on at large criminal aliens and immigration fugitives nationwide. Since its inception, the FOSC has forwarded more than 150,000 case leads to ICE enforcement personnel in the field.

This week’s enforcement operation is just one facet of the Department of Homeland Security’s broader strategy to heighten the federal government’s effectiveness at identifying and removing dangerous criminal aliens from the United States. Other initiatives that figure prominently in this effort are the Criminal Alien Program, Secure Communities and the agency’s partnerships with state and local law enforcement agencies under 287(g).

Largely as a result of these initiatives, ICE removed a total of 136,126 criminal aliens from the United States last year, a record number.

Best answer:

Answer by Foghorn
That’s because we got members of the Aztlan and Mecha here in yahoo answers. What can we expect from a bunch of racists who use the race card as a weapon against their enemies.

The Department of Homeland Security has already raided their hideout so they are like a wounded animal right now.

A lot of illegal aliens are getting arrested and deported all over the country so we can expect the remaining ones to get a lot nastier.

This should never have gone this far.

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