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Music Industry Holiday Party 2010 @ Chop Suey
music industry
Image by Thank You For Shopping

Host of legends
THE Hairy Legged Lentil Eaters — fresh from their gig as the featured act at the Splashy Fen Music Festival — will be performing at the Music in the Garden concert in Piet er- maritzburg on May 8.
Read more on The Natal Witness Group

History Proves Racist Roots of Trump and other Birthers (Video)
*We would be doing a great disservice to our readers if we didn’t revisit the birther issue from a teaching perspective. It’s time we got down to the nitty gritty of the issue. Aside from the President of the United States having to prove his citizenship, where does the audacity to call him to task on […]
Read more on EURweb