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Q&A: Music Publishing?

Question by theboss: Music Publishing?
I plan on recording an album for a hip-hop music group in my home studio…and I will have contracts ready for them for copyrights and licensing. I have some premade contracts which I am typing up to my own expectations..but they refer to the “Publisher” alot. As I am the one making tracks for these groups….I don’t own a publishing company. Would I still be considered the publisher?

Best answer:

Answer by Crafty Rach
Publisher generally refers to the person/company that owns the right to the lyrics and/or the written music. Are you sure you’re using ‘publisher’ in the right context?
Also, you don’t gain automatic rights to the masters simply by recording them … they will be owned by whoever pays for them generally (unless a band is stupid enough to sign away all their rights.)
Can you clarify why you need a contract if you are purely a recording studio? Perhaps I have misunderstood what you are asking.

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