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Q&A: How can i get a recording contract with Epic Records at the age of fourteen?

Question by LaSean1: How can i get a recording contract with Epic Records at the age of fourteen?

Best answer:

Answer by Steve D
Be good…be very very very good…find an agent…spend the money and cut a demo…then prepare for disappointment – that way, if you don’t get signed, you will be all set and if you do get signed, it will be a great uplifter.

Remember that very few artists get signed right away to major labels – most work their way up through small/indie labels and much hard work. If you haven’t performed in front of a crowd, your chances are very small that you will get signed. Most major labels do not accept demo (the sheer number of demos would overwhelm the A&R folks). It takes a good agent and word-of-mouth from shows to get a buzz going and get a major interested.

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