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How does the music industry tell if you are stealing music?

Question by Kermit: How does the music industry tell if you are stealing music?
How does the music industry know if you steal music from the internet? I don’t use limewire, bittorrent or any p2p software, but can they find me? How would my ISP know if I was stealing music? I dont sign up for any kind of service to steal music, so it’s not like someone/thing is tracking me…

Best answer:

Answer by wardsha2002
The music industry knows by the loss of sale of CD’s. Your ISP tracks that info. They know every page you have gone to or visited. I think the only one they are going to crack down on …are the ones that do massive amounts of downloads. I also read that the law they are trying to pass now…is your ISP will disconnect your service but after three warnings. So I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

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