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What are the top 3 ways to design a Website?

Question by Fidler Onroof: What are the top 3 ways to design a Website?
I just registered a Domain for my website.
What are the best 2-3 methods to design a website other than using plain HTML?
I know you can use Dreamweaver.
But I am not sure if it’s the best method? I wanna create a really good website for my music production company. Which method do you recommend?

Best answer:

Answer by Jerry Mosher
I would personally use WordPress as it is free and will make updating it a lot easier. You can use different themes and change the style pretty quick. But one thing you’ll want to do is buy a premium theme.

I’ve been messing with WordPress sites for a while and once I finally decided to purchase a premium theme I was golden. The premium themes will make the difference. Some of the free themes are OK but no support and usually very basic functionality.

You didn’t mention hosting either. So make sure to get a good hosting company. I recomend as I have been using them for a while.

Heres a site I set up for my sister using WordPress.
I know it’s real estate but thats the beauty of WordPress, you can use it for pretty much any type of site.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!