Can a group contract would be nullified?
Question by catmenacestop: Can a group contract would be nullified?
Think of court case. Say a member or 2 leaves a music group ecause of a contract issuse.And they sue the company. Now say the members that sued one and it causes the contract to be nullified. Since all the members signed the contract and it was the same contract does that wipe out all contracts the members signed? This is if they win the case.
Best answer:
Answer by Cletus
If the judge declares the contract invalid then that basically is that. Then you’re probably looking at some kind of common law remedy. Depending on the state in which you live… that could mean anything. It’s also rather important whether the 2 that left did so voluntarily or under duress(fired). Let me give you the short story. If you left and then decided to sue after the fact…. you’re gonna lose.
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