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Is the Album format dying?

Question by EitS Fan: Is the Album format dying?
It seems all people care about nowadays are singles and/or single tracks. What about the initial joy of putting that CD into your stereo system and letting it play through, each song adding a piece to the puzzle, each adding to each other.

Nowadays, everything’s going digital and everyone’s buying single tracks, not really considering albums. It’s more of a testament towards the ADD that the record industry infuses in us, switching our focus from artists to artist over the passing months, basically giving bands and artists one hit and tossing them out the window.

The album needs saving, and I have to commend some places for protecting it, like, whose online music downloading store sells only albums, not tracks. Albums allow independent musicians a means to promote their work, a physical means that people can see. Albums allow stories to be told. Concept albums have helped pave the way for music. Tracks…..not so much.

Is the album truly dying?

Best answer:

Answer by nomore11857
In bubblegum pop music the album will probably die off because all people care about are the tracks and the singles.

But in other formats like rock, heavy metal, etc. I think the album has a future. Come on albums like The Dark Side of The Moon are nothing special with only the single tracks but when put together it becomes amazing.

So yeah in short, I think the album might die off in some formats but only the ones were all people ever care about are singles.

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