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Anyone used

Question by Alex: Anyone used
I want to start selling my music to my fans directly online. I’ve done some research on places like CD Baby, Tunecore, and the like but the horror stories of withholding your royalties for some legal bs is a little more than disheartening. So after some googling I stumbled on A seemingly basic and direct as well as FREE method of allowing me to sell my music to my fans. Now, i’ve been around the block enough to know nothings free. what’s the catch? I’ve sold cd’s at shows before and that’s the kind of transaction i want online. I have music, they want it, i give it to them for download, no middle men. help?

Best answer:

Answer by I Slap Frogs
It’s very viral.

Hope that helps! 🙂

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!