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Q&A: If I’m a singer, how do I get myself into the music business?

Question by rosecolured: If I’m a singer, how do I get myself into the music business?
I’ve wanted to sing since I was a little girl, and I have a lot of talent. But what is the best way to put myself out there. Is there an inexpensive way or do I just have to succumb to life as is? I work two jobs and live on my own…but I want so much more for my life. I want to sing, and I want to make a difference.

Best answer:

Answer by metalchick
Hmmm… I just posted a question about trying to find a singer. We’ve been looking for vocals for a while now…but nothing has worked out. If you lived in NY and could sing hard rock/metal…I’d tell you to come sing for me!! =)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!