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having trouble designing my my space band page?

Question by Ms Juli: having trouble designing my my space band page?
Hi. Sorry to bother you guys I tried researching this on my own. I’ve tried designing this on my own but it keeps ending up looking like crap.

I am trying to design a my space music page for a friend’s management company. They manage musicians and they are trying to highlight their artist and their music on this page and I’m trying to create a cool layout that’s not the normal type.

I look at sooooo many bands with awesome pages and I’m really trying to get to their level with out paying the crazy prices to a web designer.

If anyone has the time and patience to help me out I’d really appreciate it.

Thanks So much

Best answer:

Answer by N3O
I can help you a bit, ryan_69x is my YM or my youtube channel is

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