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Business Briefs for March 20, 2011
Maps listing homicides or suspected homicides in EBR Parish for 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007. Current gas prices in BR area.
Read more on The Advocate

History lesson is more interesting than ongoing local power battle
Augusta Commissioner Bill Lockett held yet another committee meeting Friday, and the first item on the agenda concerned — you guessed it — Administrator Fred Russell ‘s power. Never mind that six commissioners have already voted to give the administrator “the exclusive right” to recommend hiring and firing of department heads, subject to the approval of the commission. Lockett doesn’t like the …
Read more on The Augusta Chronicle

Poll: how do you get your music?
Are you a fan of the LP, a CD ripper or just prefer to get your music for “free”? Let us know how you like to get your music in our new poll!