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What will happen to Hulk Hogan’s kids??

Question by RaymondFelton: What will happen to Hulk Hogan’s kids??
Ok as you may have heard Hulk Hogan and his wife are getting a divorce but that is not what my question is about. My question is about the future of his kids, for example his son is busy crashing his million dollar cars in lamp posts killing his friends while Hulk’s daughter Hulk Brooke is trying to be like Lindsay Lohan — except she has no talent but has daddy has $ 10 million dollars to buy her a recording contract. Nick wants to be an actor and Hulk Brooke wants to be a singer but why do they think they can do these things just becaue Daddy is a wrestler? Why dont they go to school or something ????

Best answer:

Answer by Kenshin
The fact of the matter is that they are spoiled. Brooke is an ok singer but i agree with what you said about Nick. Im not sure that they are getting a divorce though. No rich spoiled kids want to go to school becuase they think there parents will nurture them forever.

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