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Question by α ρℓα¢є ¢αℓℓє∂ мєℓαи¢нσℓу .: AP EUROPEAN HISTORY, MUSIC, OR BUSINESS COURSE?
Hi, I had another question with my course scheduling. I only have room for one more elective in my schedule. I’m planning to become a doctor so none of the following electives actually have anything to do with my future career, but I was wondering which would be best..

History is my favorite subject, but my friend who takes this course said that most people have averages in the 70s and low 80s in it.

Easy course that guarantees 95+ average, and it shows interest in music to colleges.

-A business course (either business law/college accounting/or college marketing)
I like learning business and in order to stay in the business honor society I need to take a business course.

So which do you think would be of the most worth to take? The business course offers college credit and so does AP euro if I score well on the AP exam.
How much value does taking a music course have when colleges consider students? does it make a big difference (also, I don’t play any sports)?

Best answer:

Answer by Christy
Hi. I’m in a similar situation and I’m also aspiring to be a doctor 🙂
I actually took AP US history this year and was completely overwhelmed. I have heard that AP Euro is VERY similar. I actually ended up taking a Business Law class and learned a lot of very useful real world information. You should give it a try; it will really benefit you and colleges will recognize this as a beneficial class (not just another elective)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!