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Are men naturally more artistically creative than women?

Question by The Equalist: Are men naturally more artistically creative than women?
Are men naturally more artistically creative than women?

People are always saying how women are more in touch with their emotions, express emotions better, etc.

But, I can’t think of a more humanly ingenius form of emotional expression, than the arts.

And, virtually all artforms today and throughout history are & have been dominated by men.

Painters/Sculpters – Impressionists like Van Gogh and Monet. Renaissance painters like Da Vinci and Michaelangelo. Modern pop artists like Andy Warhol & Keith Haring. And even today, in a post-feminist world where women now have more opportunities than men — men still dominate painting, with artists like Shepard Fairey, graffiti artists like Saber, Banksy, Retna, Mear, Cope2, etc.

Architecture – Take a look at this site, of the greatest 20th-century architects & building designers.
ALL MEN. And the top architects today are all men. Don’t say “women don’t have opportunities” because a woman is more likely to go to college than a man. So, even with the advantage & privilege society gives women, men still dominate.

Acting/Theater – The top-10 paid actors in the world: Will Smith, Johnny Depp, Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers, Leonardo Dicaprio, Bruce Willis, Adam Sandler, Nicolas Cage, Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell. As you can see, no women made the list. The top producers, directors, and writers are also men. The creative geniuses behind the vast majority of movies, TV shows, and theatrical plays you see are men.

Fashion – Yes, even fashion. Although this industry caters mainly to women, the brains and top designers behind most of these lines are men. Firstly, most women’s clothing was originally invented by men (and at one time, originally worn by men). My girlfriend has her own fashion blog, where she talks about all the latest fashions. And I notice that at least half of all the women’s fashions she features about on her blog are clothing items designed by men. The list of top fashion designers are as follows: Yves St. Laurent, Marc Jacobs, Tommy Hilfiger, Perry Ellis, Calvin Klein, Russell Simmons, Marc Ecko, Jimmy Choo, Louis Vuitton, Giorgio Armani, Gianni Versace, Sean Combs, Hugo Boss, Domenico Dolce & Stefano Gabbana, Salvatorre Ferragamo, Guccio Gucci, Dov Charney

Music – Virtually all music genres are dominated by men. Everyone from classical masters of Beethoven, Bach, & Mozart, to rock bands like Aerosmith, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, & Metallica, to Hip Hop artists like Jay-Z, Ludacris, LL Cool J, Run-DMC, 2Pac, & KRS-One, to Soul/R&B greats of Marvin Gaye, Al Green, Stevie Wonder, The Temptations, Smokey Robinson, etc… other genres dominated by men: Jazz, Blues, Country, Techno, Heavy Metal, Reggae, Funk, Disco, Salsa, Reggaeton. The best-selling album of all time is “Thriller” by Michael Jackson. And besides the artists & lead singers being dominated by men, most of the backup musicians that play instruments are male.

And I can venture in to other artforms, like magicians, circus performers, dance, etc. — all where men dominate.

And I know one of the feminist responses will be “yeah but women didn’t have access to the schooling/instruction that men had to learning the mediums, etc.” You do realize that many of these men were self-taught geniuses? Beethoven did not have a teacher or go to any schools. Da Vinci was also self-taught. Rappers do not go to “rap school” either. If we were to assume that women & men are equal when it comes to artistic creativity, then we should’ve seen just as many self-taught female geniuses as we do male geniuses, without schooling. But we don’t.

Are males more artistically creative than women?
scottishguy: Exactly! As I said before, women now have more opportunity and privilege than men… more women are going to school and are encouraged to go to school. Yet, they are still behind men in the “real world” despite all of this. And men actually score higher on SAT’s than women, for the record.
Capone: Yes, but eccentricity amongst artists is not exclusive to men. The women that are brilliant in these fields tend to be eccentric as well.
Dracula: LOL@ Paris Hilton. Please tell me you’re not serious. She’s not an “artist”. She’s a heiress socialite & bimbo, that got famous for giving a guy a blowjob. Oprah is also not an artist, she’s a talk show host and a business mogul. Half of your list is of people I’ve never heard of. But, you should read “The Mrs.” post. She said that feminists would begin to list artists — but for every female artist you list, I can list 10 or more. And all 10 males will be greater artists than the one female artist you listed. So what’s your point?
Oh yeah the top comedians are male too. Forgot about that one. Men are funnier than women.
Dracula: Rap is an art. It takes skill and is a form of expression. You just never really tried listening & understanding it.
Kate: Tommy Hilfiger, Puff Daddy and Dov Cheney have multi-million dollar companies. I consider them serious fashion moguls. Donatella’s relationship with Gianni is why she became known. She used his name (literally) to get to where she is. And, Yves St. Laurent has been far more influential than Coco Chanel. You said “Gianni is dead”, but what difference does it make? So is Coco Chanel. NEXT.
Dracula: Oprah is more known for her businesses and show than her acting. Yes, she did do some acting bits, but, if you were to just focus on that — she is not considered one of the “top” actors in Hollywood. She hasn’t done enough to be considered that.

As far as Paris Hilton — I didn’t know being in reality TV made you an “artist”. She’s mainly famous for being a heiress & socialite; her “artist” ventures like that failed pop-album are considered side-ventures.

I never once said anyone “invented” fashion. Find where I supposedly said this. I said most of the most notable fashion designers have been men. Are you assuming I know nothing about fashion because I’m a male? How sexist of you. And, Jimmy Choo is a male.
Spuddy: Whoever once said there weren’t other designers on the Jimmy Choo’s line? I only mentioned Jimmy Choo because he was the originator and he is a fashion designer. You then brought up a woman designer on the line as if that somehow contradicts whether or not Jimmy Choo is a designer. It doesn’t. According to my sources, Jimmy Choo still designs. Whether it’s for his original line or not is irrelevant. The fact is, he’s a fashion designer. You still didn’t show where I claimed anyone “invented” fashion. And, why would you assume I know nothing of it? Must be because I’m a male. My girlfriend is majoring in fashion merchandising, so I’ve gained quite a bit of knowledge from her.

Best answer:

Answer by amandamaria1432
Yeah, you’ve made your case, I’ll agree it seems pretty likely men are more creative =o)

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